The Feeding the Economy food and agriculture sector economic impact study represents the contributions of a very broad combination of industries. Special recognition is given to those below who helped make the 2024 study and website possible. We encourage you to look deeper into each industry.

food buffet
American Bakers Association
American Bakers Association
“This study presents important findings on the positive contributions the baking industry and greater food and agriculture sector make to the U.S. economy, labor market, and all communities across America.”

Eric Dell, President and CEO, American Bakers Association

American Beverage Association
American Beverage Association
“America’s beverage companies are an important contributor to our nation’s economy, providing more than 272,000 good-paying, family-supporting careers in communities from coast to coast with a direct economic impact of nearly $248 billion. Together, we’re leading on solutions to the issues those communities care about, like providing more beverage choices with less sugar to help families in their efforts to find balance and using less new plastic to bring these choices to market.”

Kevin W. Keane, President & CEO, American Beverage Association

American Farm Bureau Federation
American Farm Bureau Federation
“American agriculture is really the foundation of our lives and our economy. This study reveals the numbers, and maybe some of the spirit, of this one indispensable sector.”

Roger Cryan, Chief Economist, American Farm Bureau Federation

American Feed Industry Association
American Feed Industry Association
“Across America, 5,650 feed and pet food manufacturing facilities churn out millions of tons of food for domestic livestock, aquatic species and pets, supporting the economic vitality of their local and state economies while ensuring a stable food supply. These facilities also support the national economy through $7.5 billion-worth of annual exports at a time when friction in global supply chains has created a challenging business climate. As we develop the feed and pet food solutions farmers and pet owners need to address questions around animal health, food safety and the environment, we expect this industry to grow and thrive.”

Constance Cullman, President & CEO, American Feed Industry Association

American Frozen Food Institute
American Frozen Food Institute
“The food and agriculture sector is an economic driver in the United States and, from farm to freezer, the frozen food category is an important contributor. The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) is proud to represent the processors who deliver quality frozen foods that are available year-round, in every community and that help consumers reduce food waste.”

Alison Bodor, President and CEO, American Frozen Food Institute

American Soybean Association
American Soybean Association
“According to the most recent soy industry data, soybean production accounts for 102,000 jobs, more than $4.6 billion in wages and $85.7 billion in total economic impact. That’s not counting secondary soy markets and supporting industries—biofuels production, grain elevators, crushing facilities, feed mills, ports, rail, refining, barge, and more—which bring soy’s national full-time equivalent jobs to 223,000 and revenue to $124 billion and counting. Feeding the Economy’s report goes beyond soy to show the even greater impact of U.S. agriculture when aggregated. It demonstrates that agriculture not only provides food, feed, fuel and fiber domestically and globally but also is a significant contributor to the U.S. economy. And, the food security provided by U.S. agriculture provides economic security.”

Josh Gackle, American Soybean Association president and soybean farmer

Association of Equipment Manufacturers
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
“Everywhere you look, today’s modern ag equipment manufacturers are keeping people and critical goods moving and powering communities across the country. The Feeding the Economy report highlights how today’s modern equipment helps feed our nation, contributing to economic prosperity and sustainability. AEM is proud to play a role in these efforts, and we encourage lawmakers to advance comprehensive policies that empower rural America and ensure our farm economy can continue to grow.”

Curt Blades, Senior Vice President, Industry Sectors, Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Consumer Brands Association
Consumer Brands Association
“The Consumer Brands Association proudly represents the makers of the food, beverage, household and personal care products Americans enjoy and depend on every day. It is the largest manufacturing sector in the U.S., supporting more than 20 million good-paying jobs and accounting for 10% of the national GDP. This study helps underscore the scale and scope of a consequential sector of our economy; a sector that impacts us all.”

David Chavern, President & CEO, Consumer Brands Association

Corn Refiners Association
Corn Refiners Association
“Agriculture is foundational to the U.S. economy, supporting 20% of our economy and over 48 million jobs. The benefits reach far beyond the farmgate. For example, employment in manufacturing agricultural products now accounts for almost 20% of American manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing of agricultural products increased by over 150 thousand jobs since 2019 and now accounts for more than twice as many jobs as auto/truck manufacturing and almost three times as many jobs as chemical manufacturing. There are about as many Americans working in agriculture manufacturing as farming. It’s wonderful to report that in the last year, the economic impact of the food and agriculture sector grew by over a trillion dollars.”

John Bode, President and CEO, Corn Refiners Association

Edible Oil Producers Association
Edible Oil Producers Association
“The Edible Oil Producers Association (EOPA) represents the nation’s refiners of edible fats and oils who produce approximately 95% of the U.S. domestic supply used as ingredients in a wide variety of foods and beverages sold and served in the retail and food service industries. From farm to fork and oilseed to the end user, EOPA is proud to support Feeding the Economy which showcases the vast economic contribution the food industry supply chain has on the U.S. and global economy.”

Claudia Larson, President & CEO, Edible Oil Producers Association

FMI - The Food Industry Association
FMI - The Food Industry Association
“From the agriculture sector to food retail, wholesale and product manufacturers - the entire food industry connects shoppers to essential products they need to keep their families healthy and nourished. This year’s Feeding the Economy study continues to demonstrate the powerful economic impact of the food and agriculture sector on feeding America and growing the nation’s economy – responsibilities we all take very seriously.”

Leslie G. Sarasin, President and CEO, FMI – The Food Industry Association

Global Cold Chain Alliance
Global Cold Chain Alliance
“The Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) represents all major industries engaged in temperature-controlled warehousing, logistics and transportation. GCCA members play a critical role in the food supply chain, ensuring the safe and efficient storage and distribution of perishable products. GCCA is proud to cosponsor the Feeding the Economy Report that highlights the contributions of the food and agriculture sector to the U.S. economy.”

Lowell Randel, Senior Vice President of Government and Legal Affairs, Global Cold Chain Alliance

International Fresh Produce Association
International Fresh Produce Association
“This study further proves the value and worth of the agricultural sector to the overall U.S. economy. During the past 3 years, the resilience of fresh produce and floral industries was on full display as they developed innovations and solutions to meet consumer needs throughout major supply chain disruptions and challenges. ”

Cathy Burns, CEO, International Fresh Produce Association

Meat Institute
Meat Institute
“Meat packers and processors are a critical part of the nation's food value chain which sustainably delivers safe, affordable and wholesome food to consumers. This work contributes to the economic growth of all communities - large and small.”

Julie Anna Potts, President and CEO, Meat Institute

National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
“The Feeding the Economy report is an annual highlight of the strength and resilience of the U.S. food and agriculture sector, and its release continues to be an ideal way to celebrate National Agriculture Day. The report showcases the impact all workers in the food and agriculture industry – from the farm all the way to the plate – have on the U.S. economy. We are proud of the work done by all in the agriculture industry and our state departments of agriculture to feed the U.S. economy and supply a safe food supply for the U.S. and the world.”

Ted McKinney, CEO, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

National Association of Wheat Growers
National Association of Wheat Growers
“The research completed by Feeding the Economy is instrumental in the work commodity organizations do to advocate for growers. The $3.4 billion generated from the agricultural industry from food agriculture, manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing, accounts for 18.48% of the national economy output. These numbers show the importance of supporting farmers through Federal Crop Insurance programs, one of the many programs the National Association of Wheat Growers advocates for. NAWG is proud to support the work done by Feeding the Economy.”

Chandler Goule, CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers

National Grain and Feed Association
National Grain and Feed Association
“NGFA is proud to represent agribusinesses responsible for 'transforming America’s harvest' into food, fuel and fiber. The impact of our members, who represent almost every aspect of the supply chain, are present in each section of the Feeding the Economy report. Documenting the economic contributions of the food and agriculture industries to the U.S. economy is incredibly valuable as we strive to encourage policies that nurture international trade, support efficient and safe transportation networks, and cultivate rural economic growth.”

Mike Seyfert, President and CEO, National Grain and Feed Association

National Grocers Association
National Grocers Association
“Independent community grocers are part of the thriving food and agriculture sector that feeds our nation. Local independent grocers are lifelines for neighborhoods across America, both urban and rural, bringing essential items and services to people who otherwise might have few choices when shopping for fresh foods for their families. And independent grocers are proud to help drive the nation’s economy, employing more than a million people in local communities who earn nearly $42 billion in wages, and providing more than $36 billion in local, state and federal tax revenues.”

Greg Ferrara, President and CEO, National Grocers Association

National Milk Producers Federation
National Milk Producers Federation
“This report shows yet again how indispensable U.S. farmers are to their communities and the national economy. But their disadvantages in global trade are growing, and they need a more level playing field. Progress on trade is critical for U.S. farmers, as well as everyone they serve.”

Gregg Doud, President and CEO, National Milk Producers Federation

National Oilseed Processors Association
National Oilseed Processors Association
“National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) member companies produce meal and oil used in human food, animal feed, and renewable fuel. Collectively, NOPA members process 95 percent of all soybeans in the U.S. which account for 50 percent of total U.S. soybean production. NOPA is a proud sponsor of Feeding the Economy study which showcases the vast economic contribution of the U.S. food and agriculture supply chain.”

Kaliee Tkacz Buller, President & CEO, National Oilseed Processors Association

National Restaurant Association
National Restaurant Association
“Restaurants are the cornerstone of every community, and the 'Feeding the Economy' report provides valuable guidance on the importance of the food and foodservice industry. The National Restaurant Association looks forward to our continued work together.”

Michelle Korsmo, President & CEO, National Restaurant Association

Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association
Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association
“The American nut industry generates millions of jobs and billions of dollars globally. This important food and agriculture sector collaborates with regulators and legislators, all aspects of the supply chain and other segments of the food industry to fuel the economy. As global leaders, members of the Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association (PTNPA) are proud to provide safe, nutritious and tasty peanut and tree nut products. The industry is honored to feed the economy and consumers.”

Jeannie Shaughnessy, CEO, Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association

Plant Based Products Council
Plant Based Products Council
“Year-after-year, American farmers grow agricultural feedstocks that can feed the world and support the production of a wide array of advanced bioproducts. The 2024 Feeding the Economy report highlights the economic impact of U.S. innovation at all points in the value chain. U.S. agriculture is ready and able to meet the growing global appetite for renewable products.”

James Glueck, Executive Director, Plant Based Products Council

SNAC International
SNAC International
“The snack industry is proud to be a vital part of the U.S. economy and food and agriculture sectors, employing over 395,000 Americans who play an important role in providing a sense of comfort and excitement in consumers’ everyday lives. The snack industry continues to grow each year, boosting the economy and creating employment opportunities. Our snack industry workers, from processors and manufacturers to seasoning and packaging producers, are committed to providing nutritious, fun and innovative snacks to consumers across the U.S.”

Christine Cochran, President & CEO, SNAC International

U.S. Dairy Export Council
U.S. Dairy Export Council
“As detailed in the recent Feeding the Economy report, the U.S. agriculture sector stands as a cornerstone of our national economy, not just for its contribution to feeding the globe, but for its profound impact on American workers across the nation. The U.S. dairy sector supports millions of jobs, from farm workers to processing, logistics, and beyond. A testament to the U.S. dairy industry’s efficiency and commitment to quality, U.S. dairy products are demanded by customers worldwide. New opportunities to access to those international markets are critical to maintain and grow the jobs supported by American dairy farmers and processors for generations to come.”

Krysta Harden, President and CEO, U.S. Dairy Export Council

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